Nepali journalists demand probe into removal of story on coronavirus 'scam'

Nepali journalists demand probe into removal of story on coronavirus 'scam'

The story was deleted from the website the next day, and the site has claimed that Oli's aides influenced the editorial team to remove the content.

AgenciesUpdated: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 08:29 AM IST
China Coronavirus | AFP

Kathmandu A prominent body of journalists in Nepal has sought an independent investigation into the removal of a news story published on a private news portal about the alleged involvement of high profile persons in importing coronavirus related medical equipment from China at exorbitantly high price.

On Tuesday, the website, published the story alleging that Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli's IT expert Asgar Ali and sons of Deputy Prime Minister Ishwar Pokharel and the Prime Minister's chief political advisor Bishnu Rimal influenced the health ministry officials to purchase various medical equipment required to control the coronavirus crisis at a rate higher than the market price.

The story was deleted from the website the next day, and the site has claimed that Oli's aides influenced the editorial team to remove the content.

After the team refused, they forced the site's developer and designer Shiran Technologies to remove the content. Shiran Technologies is a subsidiary of F1 Soft owned by Asgar Ali.

The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) said the incident is an attack on press freedom. "Such an act by any individual or authority is illegal," the FNJ said, adding "the government should be ready to punish any individual if they are involved in such an illegal act."

The government later cancelled the deal signed with Omni International to purchase medical supplies including protective mask and PPE dress required for the treatment of coronavirus infected patients.


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