Here's how I Ching Hexagrams can help you find clarity of vision and a sense of purpose amidst pandemonium

Here's how I Ching Hexagrams can help you find clarity of vision and a sense of purpose amidst pandemonium

Attempting to make sense of the chaos in your life?

KamakshiUpdated: Saturday, August 05, 2023, 07:25 PM IST

The hexagons seen in the honeycomb are a lesson in nominal usage of material, enveloping maximal space, minimal weight and expense, toughness, fire and fungus resistance; no wonder similar, nature inspired hexagons are used in the design of jets, rockets, turbines. In Geometry, Hexagrams are six-sided figures while in the cleromancy of I Ching, a Hexagram refers to a reading culled by casting a lot of three coins, six times.

What is a Hexagram?

The reading or a Hexagram is made up of six lines stacked upon each other and interpreted with the help of The Book of Changes containing 64 parables. Let us look at Hexagram 1. When all the coins depict yang, the Hexagram of 6 unbroken lines reveals its presence. If we follow King Wan’s images and interpretations from Emperor Fu Hshi’s version of the Book of Changes, the Hexagram 1 represents the first, initial, unbroken or “akhand” in the I Ching.

The Emperor’s book translated into English by James Legge, interprets this Hexagram based upon what King Wan spoke. Khien speaks of what is great and is in process of originating, penetrating, advantageous and by virtue is correct and firm. Each line’s influence is described in depth by King Wan.

LINE 1 (lowest in the rung) of the Nine Undivided: The image depicts a hidden dragon in the depth of the dark forest suggesting that this not a time for action.

LINE 2 of the Nine Undivided: Here the same dragon is seen in a field indicative of an evident advantage at the meeting of a great man.

LINE 3 of the Nine Undivided: Here the image depicts the vigilant demeanour of careful supervision with a hint of apprehension of a superior man throughout the day to imply a dangerous position with no possibility of a mistake.

LINE 4 of the Nine Undivided: The image shows a dragon leaping high up from a deep valley again indicating no possibility of a mistake.

LINE 5 of the Nine Undivided: The dragon here is seen on a win in the sky confirming an advantageous encounter with a great man.

LINE 6 (the topmost line) of the Nine Undivided: The dragon as the key subject is seen crossing a barrier, exceeding limits hinting on an occasion for repentance.

LINE 7 of the Nine Undivided (read as one complimentary structure through undivided space): If the emerging host of dragons choose to divest their heads, there is assured good fortune.

Creative principle of Hexagram 1

If interpreted traditionally, Hexagram 1 is called the “Creative” with the guiding image of a calm, middle-aged man walking with a stick, while a little boy turning his head to look at the backdrop that appears to be tsunami, a wild fire, or an approaching storm through a forest of great-trees. Unmistakably, they have left their home behind.

This purely yang or masculine energy presents the challenge of walking away from a threat which could even mean one’s home! It speaks of dispassion. The subject with arrows on his back is evidently the bread-winner; he has a forward gait, is upright and not one to easily get distracted by the storms of life. The little boy, whose face is hidden, seems to be looking at his home and the approaching disaster.

This Hexagram has ample of metaphors to figure out one’s situation and standing.

Veteran readers complete this reading by including readings of Hexagram 40 and 26 which takes things onto another level.

Reading health

Translated to human physiology, it would mean the unbroken or whole self. It would further mean the organs that are responsible for creation. It could be creation of hormones, waste creation or even creating of life. Thus, the reading 1 of the Hexagram titled ‘Creative’ is potent to be interpreted and applied at many levels of consciousness. In the next column we shall see how music too finds a deep relation in the fine art and science of the Hexagrams.

(The writer is a Reiki & Naturopathy practitioner)


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