Shashi Tharoor is famous for his rich vocabulary that makes masses dig dictionaries. The Congress leader posted another word, which according to Tharoor, which is being used more than ever lately. The new word is “algospeak."
Tharoor tweeted by saying, "#WordOfTheDay: *algospeak* [noun]: word used on social media posts to avoid using another that algorithms may identify as unsuitable or inappropriate, in order to bypass downranking by content moderation filters on social media platforms. Eg. using “unalive” rather than “dead.”
Check out the tweet here:
Tharoor is known for sharing the word of the day with his sea of followers. While many were left stunned, others thought that the word had a reference to the unparliamentary words row. This is post the Union Government released a list of words that were unfit for use in Parliament. “People rather resort to writing words something like “de@d”. Using “unalive” should be interesting,” one user wrote.