Guiding Light: In Situations, What To Focus On?

Guiding Light: In Situations, What To Focus On?

Swami Brahmavidananda SaraswatiUpdated: Thursday, June 20, 2024, 06:42 PM IST
Representative Image | Pixabay

There was a time in our spiritual teachings when we gave an example of how we accept the seasonal change of nature as natural. And hence we need to accept what happens to us in life as natural. One can enjoy the changes and go with the flow. However over time, the situation has changed. As it is, people have complained about the extra hot summer. The rains have just begun in Mumbai. Within a month. when for a couple of days, Mumbai will be flooded, people complain about how the rain is problematic, forgetting that they were waiting for the rains in the hot summer. When the rains get over and the second summer starts, people will complain about that as well. Mumbai hardly has any winter and people in Mumbai pretend that there is a winter. Of late we have seen a few days of cold weather. So instead of enjoying that, people start complaining about that as well. And then the summer starts again and the whole cycle is repeated.

What I am highlighting is that people think that they must control everything to feel happy and comfortable. The more we develop scientifically, people believe the more we should be able to control everything, forgetting that all technology and development of science is possible only because we obeyed nature's laws. There is nothing really in our control. Except maybe how we choose to respond to the situations that happen in our life and one or two small things that we may be able to have influence. So, instead of focusing on what we can do, people waste a lot of time worrying and complaining, trying to control things not in their hands. The same thing happens not only with natural situations but also in relationships, work, politics and society. People will have a better life if they focus on what they can change, rather than focusing on what they can't and keep on complaining and stressing themselves. So, here is to focusing on what I can respond to rather than what the world should be.

The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him at


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