World Lung Cancer Day: WHO Predicts 35 Million New Cancer Cases By 2050, Know Causes, Symptoms & Prevention Tips

World Lung Cancer Day: WHO Predicts 35 Million New Cancer Cases By 2050, Know Causes, Symptoms & Prevention Tips

Lung cancer is the primary cause of cancer-related deaths. It exceeds the combined death rates from colorectal, prostate, and breast cancers.

Amisha ShirgaveUpdated: Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 01:37 PM IST

Lung Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer globally. Every year, thousands of people are affected with this fatal disease. They usually get diagnosed at a later stage which makes their chances of survival more difficult.

Lung cancer is the primary cause of cancer-related deaths. It exceeds the combined death rates from colorectal, prostate, and breast cancers. Lung cancer is generally identified at an advanced stage, making treatment more challenging, which contributes to the high death rate.

According to NCI (National Cancer Institute), In 2024, an estimated 2,001,140 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 611,720 people will die from the disease. And according to WHO, over 35 million new cancer cases are predicted in 2050, a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cases in 2022. 


Causes of Lung Cancer

Tobacco smoking is the main risk factor for lung cancer, contributing to majority cases. Lung cancer cases have increased as a result of rising smoking rates in many emerging nations, especially among women and young men.

Secondhand smoke exposure is another important risk factor. Lung cancer risk is higher among non-smokers who are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke.

Lung Cancer caused by air-pollution is finally being considered a real cause since the diagnosis of many patients who never smoked. Breathing polluted air for several years can harm your lungs in ways unknown.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

1. Lung cancer may be indicated by a recent cough that either doesn't go away or gets worse with time.

2. Coughing blood could be a sign. A medical expert should be consulted if there is even a tiny amount of blood in the sputum.

3. Lung cancer may be the cause of chest, shoulder, or back pain that gets worse when you laugh, cough, or breathe deeply. This is especially true if the pain is ongoing.

4. Hoarness in voice. Your voice might start sounding a little harsh if the cancer affects the nerves that control the vocal chords.

Prevention Methods

Prevention methods involves being careful about your body and having regular check-ups. It is better to get yourself checked annually to make sure your body is functioning properly.

Quit smoking now! If you are smoker, you are likely to get diagnosed with lung cancer and you might die younger. Smoking addiction is difficult to get rid-off but there is help available. Seek help and help yourself live longer.

Check AQI of your city every single day and if you go out, do not forget to wear a mask.


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