Sadhguru Answers Question About The Quest For Spiritual Fulfillment

Sadhguru Answers Question About The Quest For Spiritual Fulfillment

In his Ask Sadhguru column, the spiritual leader discusses the need for inspiration in education, growing interest in spiritualism, and ways to incorporate meditativeness into daily life

SadhguruUpdated: Friday, September 13, 2024, 08:00 PM IST

As far as the younger generation is concerned what is the need of the hour?

Sadhguru: With the younger generation what I see is that we have failed to provide them with the necessary inspiration and guidance. Our education system and our teachers, unfortunately have failed to inspire them. Mere information will not make human beings. Just a few generations ago, in these country teachers were the most respected members of the community. Unfortunately, today within the student community teachers are a joke, they value the internet more!

It is not enough that we write about Gandhi and Buddha and goad the younger generation to become like them. We need to provide them with living examples of people living like that. We have not given them methods to grow into their fullest potential.

How we educate the younger generation will decide what kind of world people will live in the next 25-30 years time. Today’s children are tomorrow’s people in the making. What we make out of them must be a very conscious process, not an unconscious process.

Why people are going after spiritualism?

Sadhguru: The irony of our times is that never before has humanity been as comfortable as it is now, while at the same time, never before has humanity been as insecure as it is today. Due to advances in science and technology there are many conveniences and comforts that could never have been dreamt of a hundred years ago. What royalty did not have a hundred years ago, today ordinary citizens in the world have, in terms of comforts and conveniences. In spite of that, it cannot be said humanity is any happier than what it was a hundred years ago. It cannot be said that humanity is any more peaceful or loving than what it was a hundred years ago.

Actually, in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the first chapter is just half a sentence where he says “…And now, Yoga”. You tried everything, you tried money, pleasure, this, that, everything and when you realize nothing really works - they all work in limited ways, but nothing really works for your life, nothing leaves you utterly fulfilled. When you realize that; “…And now, Yoga”. So, for more people than before, the time has come for this.

How can we bring more meditativeness in our everyday life?

Sadhguru: Meditation is a certain quality, not a certain act. Meditation is not something that you can do. But you can become meditative. If you cultivate your body, mind, energies and emotions to a certain level of maturity, meditation naturally happens. It is just like if you keep the soil fertile, if you give it the necessary manure and water and if the right kind of seed is there, it will grow and bloom into flowers and fruits.

The main aspect of meditation is, right now your mind is the boss and you are the slave. As you become more meditative, you become the boss and your mind becomes the slave. Once you become meditative, there is a clear space between you and your body and mind. Once there is a distinct separation, this is the end of suffering, because there are only two kinds of suffering you have known – physical and mental. You will dare to explore the full scope of what it means to be human only when there is no fear of suffering.

We are offering a simple, 12-minute meditation called Isha Kriya. It is available online and as an app for free. We also have something called Upa-Yoga online. Upa-Yoga is something that gives you physical and psychological benefits but doesn’t touch the spiritual dimension.

Yoga itself is not an exercise form. It is a technology through which a dimension beyond the physical becomes a living reality within you. If something has the power to transform, it has the power to cause damage if mishandled. So Yoga needs to be handled in an extremely committed atmosphere. But Isha Kriya and Upa-Yoga do not demand that level of commitment. You can practice them anywhere and the benefits are quite immense – you will be physically better and mentally limbered up.

In his Ask Sadhguru column, the spiritual leader talks about intelligence being important to live life sensibly

(Sadhguru is a Yogi, mystic, visionary and a New York Times bestselling author. He is also the founder of Conscious Planet – Save Soil)


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