5 Signs Of A Suicidal Person You Shouldn't Ignore

5 Signs Of A Suicidal Person You Shouldn't Ignore

With over 170,000 suicide deaths in India each year, suicide is a growing global concern. Here are five signs to watch out for a suicidal person.

Rahul MUpdated: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 01:17 PM IST
Representative image | Canva

Suicide is a rising concern globally, with more than 170,000 taking their own life every year in India. While the increasing rate reflects the need for more mental health advocacy, a small step towards this can save many lives. It is important to be aware of signs that someone might be feeling suicidal or having suicidal thoughts. Recognising these signs early can help offer support or get them the professional help that they need.

Here are five signs to watch out for:

Talking about suicide or death

If someone frequently talks about wanting to die, feeling hopeless or being a burden to others, it's a serious sign of a suicidal person. They might say things like, "I wish I were dead," or "everyone would be better off without me." These statements are often calls for help and should not be ignored.

Feeling extremely hopeless and depressed

A person who is feeling suicidal sometimes expresses a feeling of hopelessness or is seriously depressed. They might talk about their life having no way of solving their problem. This deep sadness and hopelessness leads them to take their own life, so you should watch for such signs as early as possible.

Change in behaviour or mood

A sudden change in someone's behaviour or mood indicates that they might be going through tough times. Someone who is usually upbeat may become withdrawn, irritable or usually calm. These changes are signs that they are struggling with suicidal thoughts and need help.

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Withdrawal from friends or close ones

When a person starts pulling away from friends, and family or pushing people away, it can be a serious distress. They might isolate themselves and avoid social interactions, trying to fight their battle alone. These actions can be a way of signalling that they're struggling and need support.

Previous suicide attempts or threats

A history of previous suicide attempts or threats is a major red flag. If someone has tried to harm themselves before, they are at higher risk of doing it again. It’s important to take any action of past attempts or threats very seriously and seek help immediately.


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