Indore: Over 40 escape unhurt from Rau hotel

Indore: Over 40 escape unhurt from Rau hotel

More than 40 guests staying at the Papaya Tree Hotel on Rau Circle had a narrow escape on Wednesday morning as a fire broke out in the hotel they were staying in but thankfully nobody was seriously injured in the blaze.

Staff ReporterUpdated: Thursday, March 30, 2023, 12:26 AM IST

Indore (Madhya Pradesh): More than 40 guests from Pune, Bangalore, Kerala and other cities and states had a narrow escape on Wednesday morning as a massive fire broke out at the Papaya Tree Hotel on Rau Circle but thankfully nobody was seriously injured in the blaze. The guests were rescued by the police, SDERF and the firefighters who reached the hotel on getting information about the fire in the five-storey hotel. It is alleged that the hotel management had not done proper fire safety arrangements. Many of the guests suffered minor injuries and complained of suffocation and eight of them were taken to the hospital and later discharged after first aid.

The incident took place around 6.30 am when the employees noticed smoke from the kitchen behind the entrance of the hotel and soon the flames spread to the entire floor. 

TI helps to get elderly woman safely downstairs 

Rau police station in-charge Narendra Singh Raghuwanshi and his staff reached the hotel around 6.50 am and with the help of the rescue team saved more than 40 people from different rooms. A 79-year-old woman, Jailaxmi from Kerala was in a room situated on the fifth floor and she was stuck there due to suffocation. TI Raghuwanshi and other policemen reached upstairs and managed to rescue her and later sent her to the hospital in an ambulance. The brave police officers rescued many other people from the hotel. The Commissioner of Police also tweeted about the incident and appreciated the job done by the policemen of the Rau police station. The team of SDERF also played a crucial role in rescuing people from the hotel.   

Platoon Commander (SDERF) Avinash Dinkar said that a 12-member rescue team reached the spot and many people including some women were rescued from there. No casualty was reported during the incident.

Rope, crane used to rescue people 

The police, SDERF officials and firefighters had to face tough situations while saving the people from the hotel. A team of firefighters stationed itself at the entrance trying to douse the flames while the police and SDERF team rescued the people through the windows using a rope with the help of a crane. The officials and the people broke open the glass and the guests were taken out from there.

'Pump was not in working condition'

SP (fire) RS Nigwal said that even though the hotel had a fire fighting system but the water pump connected to the fire hydrants was not working. It was also found that it was not connected with the generator. Had the pump been in working condition, such a big accident would not have happened. Also, the employees are not trained to use the fire extinguisher due to which the fire spread. It is estimated that the firefighters had to use more than 7,4000 litres of water to completely douse off the flames. 

Electrician breaks window to rescue guests, injured

Romit Verma, an electrician of the hotel, informed Free Press that he was on the terrace of the hotel when he spotted the smoke from the ground floor. He rushed downstairs but the flames had spread and due to suffocation he returned to the terrace. He later informed the fire brigade and the police. After hearing screaming, he reached the fourth floor and rescued some guests by breaking open the glass of a window and in the process injured one of his hands. The doctors had to give him seven stitches. Ajay Waghela from Ujjain, Ravi Kumar from Bengaluru, Jailaxmi from Kerala, Vijaylaxmi from Bengaluru and Sudhir Deshmukh from Pune were also taken to the hospital. 

Sahaj Rao, a guest from Pune informed media persons that he was informed by someone that there is a fire in the hotel. He opened the door but there was heavy smoke. He tied a bed shit to the window and managed to come down. While coming down the window, one of his friends fell from a height and injured himself. The guests alleged that there was no alarm to alert the guest in such a situation and also that hotel management charged enough money but did not provide safety for the guests.

A guest from Tamil Nadu said that he was on the third floor of the hotel when the fire broke out on the ground floor. After noticing the smoke and the noise, he came downstairs and saved himself.


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