Tarot Card Readings: Here’s What The Cards Suggest For The Period June 22 to July 5 For All Zodiac Signs

Tarot Card Readings: Here’s What The Cards Suggest For The Period June 22 to July 5 For All Zodiac Signs

Universal Theme for the next 15 days — Wheel of Fortune: Time is changing, change is constant. What goes around, comes around. Be kind

Gita HarianiUpdated: Friday, June 21, 2024, 11:23 PM IST
Pic: Freepik

Three of Cups: Joie de vivre, friendship, possible affairs, pregnancy, emotional connections
This period could signify a time of celebration with friends. Perhaps a perfect setting for being flirtatious or having an affair, if that’s what you want. Joy for sure. However, make sure you are not whiling away
your time or keeping yourself away from important chores. Fun is in the air but not at the cost of your responsibilities. Partnerships / friendships thrive.

Death: Major changes, transformation, endings, let go
Is your gut telling you it’s over? Well, it is then. Metaphorically speaking, it is only through death that we are reborn. Time will force you to confront your worst fears and take the right path. No shortcuts. Sometimes, we have to be brave and face what is in front of us. That is the true path. Move on, let go of that which doesn’t serve us. Yes, it’s emotional. However, one day you will look back in gratitude that you were courageous enough. Medically, there might be a small operation/ surgery required for some.

Queen of Cups: Warmth, loyalty, connections and intuition
Imbibe the above qualities consciously during this period. Reach out with warmth and grace and genuinely build some amazing connections. People respect you for your loyalty and wisdom. Your intelligence and humility are your power. Take things into your own hands and improve every area of your life. Do not let anyone take you for granted.

Strength: Patience, persistence
If you are recovering from an illness or a long-standing problem know that with persistence and patience, you will overcome the situation. Victory is yours but you need to tread with a quiet determination. It will take some time but the result will be in your favour. Act with maturity and patience and you will most definitely be rewarded.

Nine of Pentacles: Financial Independence through hard work
Leos are fierce and independent and love wealth and resources. Look at your accomplishments and feel happy and satisfied. Your hard work, discipline and tenacity have helped you accomplish a lot in terms of resources and abundance. Material possessions are yours. This gives you a feeling of self-confidence, self-reliance and gratitude. Treat yourself, you deserve it.

Ace of Swords: Focus, clarity, perspective, intellect
Be focused on what you wish to achieve and then go after it with intent. Use your intellect over your emotions. Cut the unnecessary noise. A new opportunity could be on the anvil. Take the sword and seize the day. Victory is yours. Funnel your vision.

The Sun: Good fortune, joy and happiness. Kids shine bright and fill your life with light
A beautiful start phase when you or someone close to you will be in the limelight and get a lot of applause and recognition for work done well. It’s a period of joy, prosperity and genuine warmth and happiness. There is light all around. A super card for kids. They bring happiness. You exude vitality and confidence! A great card for those who want to conceive too.

Empress: Abundance, beauty, fertility
Your cup is full. A period of abundance, beauty, luxury, sumptuous feasts, jewellery and the finer things. Fertility and conception if you are trying to have a child. Romance, pleasure, and maybe affairs, More so your garden is full of abundance of all kinds. Your fountain is flowing with creation and Creativity. A fortunate time.

Ace of pentacles:  New opportunities to make money, wealth creation and abundance
This period will open new doors. When you least expect god has given you an ace of pentacles. Suddenly out of nowhere new opportunities will brim, new work and wealth creation avenues and more importantly a feeling of stability and security. Confidence is high. All you need to do is act. You know intuitively what works for you and what doesn't.

Knight of Cups: invitations, opportunities and offers
Exciting times. You could be the harbinger of new opportunities and offers especially those of a creative nature. Your creativity cup is brimming. Travel could also be rewarding. Go for those business or study trips. This period is very good for the youth as things seem to be moving forward for them. Romance could also be in the air and you could meet someone special. A period when things move ahead.

The Chariot: Victory, success, movement
Can you smell victory? Well-deserved success after a long battle or surmounting all obstacles. A journey or movement could be upcoming too. You are moving ahead positively and surely after overcoming everything. You are very driven. Hard work pays. Stay on course. Do not get distracted.

The High Priestess: Spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, retreat
This period signifies a time of retreat and reflection. Delve within. Trust your inner instincts. Sometimes things may not appear as they truly are. This could also signify a period of study, especially esoteric and spirituality. You could feel like a hermit. The energies urge you to find answers from the inside out. Women if this applies to you then maybe you may want to get a gynaecologist checkup.


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