Foods that can keep help boost your kidney health

Foods that can keep help boost your kidney health

With healthy lifestyle habits and the right choice of foods, find out how one can manage and ultimately reverse Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) naturally

Karan KakkadUpdated: Saturday, March 13, 2021, 01:29 AM IST

Chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver, arthritis, high cholesterol and many more lifestyle related issues are becoming a major cause of concern. One of such lifestyle diseases that needs attention is chronic kidney disease or commonly known as CKD. With increasing life expectancy and prevalence of lifestyle diseases, India has seen a 55% increase in prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the last decade.

These are very alarming statistics. As per the recent data by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), diabetes and hypertension today accountfor more than 70% cases of CKD. Let us understand more about the causes of CKD, important tests for proper detection and foods that can help reverse chronic kidney disease.

Causes of Chronic Kidney disease

The top two causes of chronic kidney disease are high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. This means that if people have high BP or diabetes or both for years, then their kidneys start getting impacted.

In fact, as per statistics, one in every three diabetic patients will develop chronic kidney disease and two in every five patients with high BP will develop chronic kidney disease if they do not treat the root cause of the disease. Hence an important fact that we need to keep in mind is that if we completely reverse our diabetes or high BP in the first place and do not live with it by just popping pills, then we will never develop chronic kidney issues.

This is important to note because, in India around 74 million people have diabetes, another 72.5 million people have pre-diabetes and another 110 million people havehigh BP. Now if all these people do not develop the mindset of reversal, if all of these people do not change their food habits, lifestyle and focus on reversing their diseases, then they are at high risk for developing CKD.

This means that chronic kidney disease is a preventable disease. The good news is that it is not only preventable, but also reversible in many cases if not all. And the only medicine that can help reverse itis lifestyle medicine. By lifestyle medicine, I mean bringing positive change in food habits and lifestyle modification. Remember, when it comes to reversing lifestyle diseases, food is notlike medicine but it is medicine. Let us understand the foods that can help reverse chronic kidney disease.

Foods to reverse Chronic Kidney Disease

Eating more natural plant foods and avoiding processed & artificial foods is a healthy step towards reversing lifestyle diseases. However, with respect to kidney health, these three foods can help clean your kidneys and thereby help reverse CKD.

A. Barley seeds: 2-3 spoons of barley seeds to be soaked overnight in half glass of water. First thing in the morning, strain and have just the water of overnight soaked barley seeds. This is very effective in cleaning the kidneys.

B. Cucumber and radish: Both these vegetables are packed withnutrients that help reverse CKD. Hence, we recommend having a bowl of both of these as salad before lunch and dinner.

C. Purple cabbage: One of the vegetables that we all should look forward to having is purple cabbage, which is one of the most alkaline foods onthis planet. From reversing diabetes,high BPto fatty liverand kidney disease, this one superfood should be added in your salad if you intend to heal your kidneys.

As we have always emphasized, that right education and information is the first step to reverse lifestyle diseases. Hope this information will empower each and every one of youto take that first step to reverse disease and create long term good health.

(Karan Kakkad is a Disease Reversal expert based in India. He is the Founder & CEO of Reverse Factor. To know more call: 8100550660, or visit


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