Overheard In Bhopal: New Equations, Hariram, Worried Officers, Temporary Good Days & More

Overheard In Bhopal: New Equations, Hariram, Worried Officers, Temporary Good Days & More

The officer, whom the Centre wants to appoint, has a clean image.

Staff ReporterUpdated: Monday, July 01, 2024, 09:45 AM IST

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh):

New equations

The government is in a dilemma over whether it should appoint an in-charge DGP by posting the present office-holder to another place. Confusion over the issue is compounding. There are reports that the names, which the state government is mulling over for appointment to this important position, are different from the one that Centre is discussing.† The officers, whom the state government is considering for the position, are upright. The officer, whom the Centre wants to appoint, has a clean image. A batch mate of the officer is very powerful in Delhi. It is he who forwarded the name of this officer. There are reports that the Central Government inquired about him. Then again, some officers want the present DGP to complete his tenure; so, they are working towards this direction. As a candidate is yet to be chosen for this coveted post, the appointment of a new DGP is getting delayed. The head of the state has also not made up his mind about any particular candidate.


An officer in the state is playing the role of Hariram Nai (Hariram, a barber, always spies on others). The officer is busy gathering information about every politician, officer and department. Rather than paying attention to his own work, the Sahib is keen to know what others are doing. He whispers about others. His purpose is to remain relevant in the corridors of power. By doing so, he wants to become close to an important person.† He desires to convey any important information to that person before anyone can do so. About him, it is said that he has become an expert on all subjects, and gives his opinion on all issues. Because he backbites, many officials are in trouble. Now, people in the corridors of power are trying to keep his nose out of other people's business.

Worried officers

Anxiety of those officers who get posting because of their closeness with the big madam has grown deeper. They are worried thinking once their God Mother goes out of office what will happen to them. Tension among the officers close to her has deepened after an additional chief secretary (ACS)-rank officerís abrupt shifting from an important department. The ACS failed to handle the department, but because of the big madamís blessings the female officer was working there. A principal secretary (PS) is facing the same problem as the ACS was confronting. None is happy with the PSís style functioning. He is not on good terms with the officials of his department; so, the government was mulling over shifting him. But whenever the plans were ready for it, the big madam came to his rescue. The officer remained safe. But the power equations are changing. Similar is the condition of another officer who was posted in his present department with the big madamís help. Now that the big madam is set to relinquish her office, the Sahib has begun to make efforts to remain in the department through his other sources.

Temporary good days

An IAS officer is unable to enjoy good days for a long time. He has always been out of mainstream administration for a host of reasons. The officer got plum posting after a long time. To get the posting, though the Sahib worked hard, he could not stick to the position for a long time. There are reports that immediately after getting the post, he began to take bribes. He demanded sweetener from all those who visited his office for some work. The Sahib shook down many people for bribes. As he was suddenly removed from the department, a huge sum he had pinched went out of his hand. After his transfer, the Sahib has created a record of going to the loop line. Now, the Sahib is conducting some religious ceremonies for a plum posting.

Very sad

Two principal secretary-rank officers look unhappy after the release of rthe transfer list containing the names of IAS officers. One of them lobbied a lot for his transfer, and there were talks that an additional chief secretary (ACS) would be posted to the department in place of the PS. The ACS was transferred, but he was sent to another place. As PS has not been shifted from his present office, he is feeling put out. Similar is the condition of another PS who spared no effort for his transfer from the present department. He used political clouts for the purpose. The higher-ups in the government also assured the PS of transferring him to another department, but his name was not there on the list containing the names of the IAS officers who were recently transferred. Both the principal secretaries hope their names will be on the transfer list to be released after the monsoon session of the House.

Clean image

A few officers from the state have become very influential in the Central Government-run offices in Delhi. A senior officer, who enjoys a good reputation, is handling important departments in the national capital. Also, there are two officers whose influence is increasing. A secretary-rank IAS officer has been given some important assignments. Apart from his regular jobs, he occasionally deals with key issues. The reputation of the officer, who has a clean image, is getting more importance in PMO. There are reports that the officer may be given some more important assignments in the administrative reshuffle to be carried out by the Centre in the coming days. Another officer from the state is getting importance in Delhi. He has been given several key departments. After the Modi-led government has taken over the reins of power for the third time in a row, the performance of the officers is being scrutinised. In the coming days, these officers may be given more responsibilities. The performance of several officers from MP is also under scrutiny.


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