MP: Cabinet Minister Rakesh Singh Inspects Flooded Areas In Jabalpur Amid Heavy Rainfall (WATCH)

MP: Cabinet Minister Rakesh Singh Inspects Flooded Areas In Jabalpur Amid Heavy Rainfall (WATCH)

Minister Singh directed officials towards immediate drainage solutions to alleviate the waterlogging problems.

FP News ServiceUpdated: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 09:25 PM IST
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Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): Monsoon has entered the state and due to heavy rainfall in Jabalpur city, low-lying areas have been affected with problems like water clogging. Cabinet Minister Rakesh Singh went to these affected areas to inspect the situation amidst the heavy downpour on Thursday. He engaged with local residents in the submerged streets, listening to their grievances caused by the flooding.

Minister Singh directed officials towards immediate drainage solutions to alleviate the waterlogging problems. His visit highlighted the urgency of infrastructure improvements needed to manage such recurring challenges effectively.

Efforts are underway to pump out excess water and restore normalcy in the affected areas.

A video of the same has surfaced on the social media platform X. In the video it can be seen that Cabinet Minister Rakesh Singh, along with other officials and the residents of the areas are walking in the water clogged road of the locality.

According to information, Singh had a conversation with the local residents who expressed their concerns over the frequent flooding, which disrupts daily life and damages property. The minister assured them of swift action to enhance drainage systems and mitigate future risks. He emphasized the government's commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents, especially during adverse weather conditions.


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