Jabalpur Dumna Airport Terminal’s Rooftop Falls Off On Income Tax Officer’s Car Due To ‘Heavy Rains’ (WATCH)

Jabalpur Dumna Airport Terminal’s Rooftop Falls Off On Income Tax Officer’s Car Due To ‘Heavy Rains’ (WATCH)

As per reports, the airport was renovated a few months ago with an expenditure of a whopping 450 crores. The accident underscores a questionable quality of renovation despite availability of enough capital.

FP News ServiceUpdated: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 03:10 PM IST
Jabalpur Dumna Airport Terminal’s Rooftop Falls Off On Income Tax Officer’s Car Due To ‘Heavy Rains’ | FP Photo

Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): The rooftop of newly renovated Jabalpur Airport Terminal caved in, apparently, due to heavy rains on Thursday morning. The rooftop part fell on the parked car of an Income-Tax official, leaving it crushed. Fortunately, the car was vacant and no one was injured.

Visulas from the Dumna airport terminal shows a big part of the white rooftop falling on a car of a government official parked right below it. The caved-in part of the rooftop was so heavy that the car was completely damage. 

Dumna Airport renovated only a few months ago

According to information, the airport was renovated barely a few months ago with an expenditure of a whopping Rs 450 crores. The accident underscores a questionable quality of the airport's renovation despite usage of the high sum.

Major accident averted!

It is being said that the Income Tax Officer and the driver had gotten out of the car just 10 minutes before the rooftop fell off. Also, fortunately, at the time of this accident, no flight had arrived. Otherwise, the incident might have caused a danger to passengers’ lives. The incident happened on Thursday morning at 11.30 am. This new part of the airport has started recently. 


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