International Yoga Day: How Yoga Helped Folks Overcome Chronic Health Issues

International Yoga Day: How Yoga Helped Folks Overcome Chronic Health Issues

It works slowly but steadily; the cure is permanent, say ardent follower.

SmitaUpdated: Friday, June 21, 2024, 01:28 PM IST
International Day of Yoga |

BHOPAL (Madhya Pradesh): Yoga succeeds where modern medicine fails. At least this is the experience of some city dwellers. On the eve of the International Day of Yoga, Free Press talked to people who managed to control or cure their chronic medical problems with the help of Yoga. These included neurological, cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and diabetes. And some also lost weight.

Helped avoid spinal surgery

Dr R K Tiwari, an MD in medicine, developed a spinal problem following an accident. Due to numbness in feet, he could neither stand up nor walk and was on painkillers. After consulting neurosurgeons and neurologists, he ultimately decided to go for surgery. 'A relative of mine suggested that I try Yoga for sometime, before taking a final decision,' Tiwari said. He approached Pawan Guru and joined his classes. He did the suggested yogic exercises for one and half hours every day. 'Within six months, I was a changed man. I recovered almost 99% from my problem. I started working for eight hours a day and recently, I drove my car from Bhopal to Benaras. I have now decided to do Yoga till my last breath,' the doctor said.

Reduced 30 kg, BP, sugar control

The weight of 51-year-old businessman Hemraj Sahu was 130 kg. He also had high blood pressure and diabetes. Sometimes his sugar level touched 300-400. And due to this he used to feel anxiety. Then he started doing Yoga. He does yoga one hour daily in the evening. He reduced 30kg in one year and his BP and sugar are under control. Besides yoga, he also runs 20 minutes daily on acupressure trail. Now I am alright and feels very energetic, Sahu said.

Fit even 24 yrs after bypass

70-year-old S Parita is a businessman. He has been doing yoga for the past 20 years. ìIn the year 2000, I felt sharp pain in my chest. I got angioplasty and then a bypass done. But there was not much relief. Then I went for Yoga. I dedicated one hour daily in the evening from 7pm-8pm to yoga, especially Pranayam. 'Now, I am both physically and mentally fit. I don't have hypertension or diabetes. That is surely because of yoga. I walk 2 km daily. Yoga has become a part of my life,' said Parita.

Facial tremors gone

PK Shukla, a 53-year-old businessman, started doing yoga in 2021 and has been doing it regularly to date. 'Pressure on one of the nerves at the back of the head led to tremors in my face.' Physiotherapy did not yield satisfactory results. Then, under the guidance of a Yoga guru he began doing anulom-vilom and some other exercises. Gradually, the tremors subsided. 'I have no problems now but I still do Pranayam for 30 minutes and Yogic asanas for one hour every day. Yoga is addictive, you see,' Shukla said.


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