Bhopal: Manifesto Matters, Party Affiliation, Candidate's Profile Equally Important

Bhopal: Manifesto Matters, Party Affiliation, Candidate's Profile Equally Important

To gain a deeper understanding of what factors influence the choices of voters, Free Press reached out to several residents, each with their unique perspectives on the matter.

Staff ReporterUpdated: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 11:35 PM IST
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Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): As the election approaches, political parties started unveiling their manifestos, each vying for the attention and ultimately, the votes of the state's citizens.

To gain a deeper understanding of what factors influence the choices of voters, Free Press reached out to several residents, each with their unique perspectives on the matter.


Yet to cast a vote based on manifesto promises

Pranjal Saxena, a digital marketer, said, “I've cast my vote twice in my life. But I never take importance on party manifesto. I'm well aware of the promises political parties make on manifesto to woo voters. However, when I step into the voting booth, I primarily focus on the party and then the candidate.”

Vote primarily for the party

Sourabh Solanki, a farmer, said, “I don't pay much attention to the manifesto. What's the point of giving a vote after looking at the manifesto when parties seldom fulfil what they promise in the manifesto? It's just a lollypop for the voters; I never fall into that trap. My vote primarily goes to the party, and sometimes, the candidate.”

Look after the manifesto before voting

Amit Mishra, a student, said, “I cast my vote after looking at the manifesto, which is what every responsible citizen, especially the youth, should do. I closely examine the manifesto and compare whether the parties have delivered on their promises in the past or not. Manifesto serves as a decision maker for me.”

Candidate’s profile above the manifesto

Vanshika Rajput, an architect, said, “While I do consider the manifesto, what matters most to me is the candidate's profile, not just the promises on paper. I thoroughly examine the candidate's credentials to determine if they deserve my vote. Then, I look at the party's track record; have they delivered on their promises in the past? That's my criteria for voting. The manifesto is secondary for me.”

Votes based on the candidate’s track record

Vansh Gujrani, a student, stated, “I cast my vote based on the candidate's track record, and if the candidate is new, I then consider whether their party has fulfilled past promises they made on the manifesto or not.”


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