The PM Needs A Wake-Up Call Before It’s Too Late

The PM Needs A Wake-Up Call Before It’s Too Late

For the people, by the people and of the people has been relegated, dangerously crushed because in the current scheme of the Modi government people who chose the government of the day have been left powerless, toothless and subservient to the new kingly order

Neelu VyasUpdated: Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 12:16 AM IST
The PM Needs A Wake-Up Call Before It’s Too Late | PTI

INDIA, the newly formed Opposition coalition, has roundly condemned the BJP’s failure to prevent the civil war raging in Manipur. It has also condemned the sudden and unexpected outbreak of communal rioting in Nuh, Palwal and Gurugram — a bare 40-60 km from Delhi. But Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s only response to them has been his now familiar, enigmatic silence. His response to the no-confidence motion didn’t even scratch the surface of the problems there. On the last day of the monsoon session of Parliament Home Minister Amit Shah brought in three Bills overhauling criminal laws setting the tone for harsher, stricter days which in the words of veteran lawyer and former Union Minister Kapil Sibal is “ushering in days of dictatorship by law”. The prime minister's silence on crucial issues that matter, juxtaposed with the criminal laws overhaul, seems to set the ball rolling for the 2024 elections. Nine years into his governance, Modi with admirably consummate skill has turned his silence and enigma into his most powerful weapons. The sharp contrast between the Opposition alliance and Modi's BJP is that the latter is utterly incapable of empathising with the victims of tragedy for political advantage whereas the Opposition is looking for those apt moments to register its presence where Modi fails to turn up. A classic example is that of Manipur where the Opposition embossed its mark in the minds and hearts of the people but failed to move a government which has brazenly overlooked the pain and anguish of the people.

So what does the road to 2024 elections look like? It appears to be a power game versus the people’s game. Prime Minister Modi seems to be in the pursuit of amassing greater power and autonomy through legislations, amendments, challenging even the Supreme Court, case in example is the Delhi Services Bill, another legislative instance that of excluding the Chief Justice of India from the selection panel of the Election Commissioners. The government has allocated the duties to different players within his own government who have begun to give voice to his fanatic agenda. One cannot help but talk about the manner in which former chief justice of India Ranjan Gogoi dismissed the basic structure of the Indian Constitution recently inside the Rajya Sabha, Vice president and Chairman of the Upper House has time and again conveyed in more than many words that opposition has no meaning inside the majestic walls of the Rajya Sabha, Jagdeep Dhankar in fact has played a prominent role in peddling the Opposition-mukt agenda of the BJP. So here you have a government which is trying to change the constitution, minces no words on India without an opposition and democracy it seems is just lip service. Professor Sabyasachi Das from Ashoka University recently had highlighted the democratic backsliding of India and manipulation of 2019 elections and the management has now forced him to resign. Unacademy law educator Karan Sangwan urged his students to vote for an educated leader; he was trolled by the BJP IT cell and is now all set to be fired. These are examples of India heading towards a dictatorial regime.

Modi had promised a new hope, a new change in 2014 and nine years down the line he boasts of India's stature globally, catapulting the country towards becoming an economic power; he even thumps his chest about India being the biggest consumer market and how therefore all other countries are forced to look upon India as a potent force. While Modi makes all these wonders materialise, simultaneously the social fabric of the country is being torn apart, institutions incapacitated, and civil liberties thrown to the winds. What does this do to Indian citizens? For the people, by the people and of the people has been relegated, dangerously crushed because in the current scheme of the Modi government people who chose the government of the day have been left powerless, toothless and subservient to the new kingly order. What happens if there are more incidents like Nuh and Gurugram in the run up to 2024 elections? Modi will choose silence over action, will allow the pogrom to be played out as he has done in the past because it will be to the BJP's advantage. Think of one step ahead and that idea can send shivers down the spine. What if he calls in the Army, declares an emergency? One hopes not, but the path which Modi has begun to tread points towards a national emergency. The Opposition has to do its job diligently, raising protests on every issue to highlight where the current government is going wrong. Apart from making a hue and cry over every issue, the Opposition actually doesn't have anything much on hand. Whatever they attempt, their formulas will be pulverised under this fanatic BJP agenda which might have the false clothing of nationalism, cultural hegemony, “pick up arms for your country”, “Hindus in danger” narrative. 

So whats the best option for the Opposition alliance, raise your voice as much as you can, talk through the media and then sit back as the prime minister’s advisers do not have the guts to tell him that he has pressed the self-destruct button? Does anyone in the current regime have the power to tell Modi that the path which he has taken will ruin and alienate him from the people? The BJP and PM Modi need a wake-up callbefore it’s too late.

Neelu Vyas is a senior television anchor and consulting editor with Satya Hindi


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