Editorial: Mustard Isn’t So Small!

Editorial: Mustard Isn’t So Small!

FPJ EditorialUpdated: Thursday, July 25, 2024, 11:20 PM IST
Representative Pic | Vikramjit Kakati/Pixabay

In a world where the mighty often overshadow the meek, the humble mustard seed continues to punch well above its weight, proving that good things do come in small packages. Its role in history, folklore, and now, even the judiciary, suggests that this unassuming seed is not to be underestimated. Take, for instance, the ancient tale from Odisha, where mustard seeds played a detective’s role. When thieves, oblivious to religious rites, abducted an idol and blindfolded a priest to perform puja in a hidden lair, the clever priest scattered mustard seeds along the path. Nature, in her timeless wisdom, saw to it that the seeds sprouted after the rains, leading the police right to the stolen idol’s secret location. The government's decision to grant environmental clearance to genetically modified (GM) mustard seeds became a subject of legal hair-splitting in the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court.

On Tuesday, the two-member bench of Justices BV Nagarathna and Sanjay Karol gave a split verdict, leaving the fate of GM mustard in a legal limbo until a three-member bench can weigh in. As with all GM crops, the promise of bountiful harvests hangs tantalisingly in the balance. Proponents argue that GM mustard could transform Indian agriculture much like GM cotton did, boosting yields and farmer incomes. However, critics warn of the dependency trap where farmers must buy seeds each season, potentially undermining traditional agricultural practices and local seed sovereignty. The two judges have urged the government to formulate a comprehensive national policy on GM seeds, ensuring that all environmental and ethical concerns are meticulously addressed. After all, in the grand drama of agriculture, every seed, no matter how small, plays a pivotal role. Whether in ancient legends or modern courtrooms, mustard continues to prove that even the smallest can make a mountain move.


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