Editorial: Insta Divorce In Dubai

Editorial: Insta Divorce In Dubai

FPJ EditorialUpdated: Thursday, July 18, 2024, 09:15 PM IST
Representative Image | Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

Ah, the convenience of a quick divorce! No lengthy court battles, no tedious delays—just a clean break and a fresh start. This sensible approach is precisely why muthalaq, or triple divorce, was established in Islamic jurisprudence. Unfortunately, in India and beyond, men misused triple talaq to dismiss their wives for trivial reasons. The Supreme Court of India declared this practice unacceptable about a decade ago, and the Modi government went a step further by criminalising muthalaq in 2019 with the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act.

Fast forward to Dubai, where Sheikha Mahra, daughter of the ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister of the UAE, has given her husband Sheikh Mana bin Mohammed the triple talaq treatment—via Instagram, no less. The writing was on the wall when the couple started scrubbing each other from their social media profiles. Just two months ago, they welcomed a new baby, but alas, Sheikha Mahra's Instagram post, featuring a photo captioned "just the two of us," signaled the end of a lavish wedding. She explained in a curt letter to her now-ex that she had no use for a husband with so many "companions" for company. Infidelity, it seems, was the last straw.

This digital divorce drama underscores the modern equality of the sexes in shedding unwanted spouses. Muslim law does caution against pronouncing triple talaq in a fit of anger due to its serious repercussions, a theme memorably explored in the 1982 Bollywood hit "Nikaah," where the man regrets the decision and has to wait a long time to remarry her. However, in this high-profile case, maintenance isn't an issue—both parties are fabulously wealthy. So, here's to a resolution that’s swift and drama-free. All's well that ends well, especially when there's no need to split the fortune.


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