8 Mind-Blowing Discoveries By NASA That Defines Space As We Know It

By: Manasi Kamble | October 05, 2024

NASA aids in understanding the mysterious cosmos through sharing captivating space images and videos, enabling people to connect with celestial entities. Explore 8 incredible NASA photos for a new perspective.


The Age and Evolve of the Universe: The WMAP satellite determined the universe is 13.77 billion years old, with atoms making up only 4.6%. Telescopes like Hubble and Spitzer show how the universe is expanding. COBE studied the Big Bang's radiation, leading to a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2006.


Finding Dark Matter: NASA's telescopes helped understand dark matter, five times more massive than ordinary matter like Bright Supernova, Black Hole, Crab Nebula. Chandra x-ray telescope found dark matter in Bullet Cluster in 2007.

Crab Nebula- NASA

Galaxies: NGC 4302 and NGC 4298, showcasing two spiral galaxies resembling our Milky Way. Both galaxies and the billions of stars within them are visible in the picture.

NGC 4302 and NGC 4298- NASA

Exoplanet: Scientists now believe that every star likely has at least one exoplanet, which come in a variety of sizes and conditions.


TRAPPIST-1, in contrast to our solar system's luminous and massive star Sun, is a smaller, cooler red dwarf star.


The Black Hole One enigma unraveled: the Event Horizon Telescope captured and displayed an image of a supermassive black hole in galaxy M87, revealing the mystery in April 2019.


How small is the giant plant? The enormous planet has a mass that is approximately half that of Jupiter and completes an orbit around its star every four days. An exoplanet is a celestial body that circles a star beyond our solar system.


Combining into single body: The Antennae Galaxies, also known as NGC 4038 and NGC 4039. These two galaxies began interacting millions of years back and will ultimately combine into a single entity.


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