World Elephant Day 2024: Know Astounding Facts About These Highly Intelligent Creatures

By: Rahul M | August 12, 2024

It is World Elephant today and it is obsrved to create awareness of the urgent plight of African and Asian elephants. On this account, let's know some mind-blowing facts about these magnificient creatures

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Elephants are the largest mammals on earth. Hence, they have a large brain. This gives them a good memory. They can recall humans they have met and encountered, remember the water stream across great distance and also remember their fellow elephants even if they were separated for years

Elephants have deep understanding of human communication. If they grow up with humans, they develop understanding of the language due to human-bonding and can also mimic the dialect

These giant creatures can suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Elephants are sensitive souls and they are connected to their family members and humans they come across. So when they witness a tragic event like watching one of their family members being killed by the poacher, they can suffer from PTSD

Elephants have complex consciousnesses and are capable of strong emotions. They understand when their fellow member is in need. They have the ability to show empathy. Even to humans

Elephant have fingers on the tip of their trunks. They use their trunks to smell, breathe underwater, eat and make sounds. Their trunks have 40,000 muscles and are very sensitive.

These divine creatures are absolutely smart when it comes to taking care of themselves. They use dirt as sunscreen to avoid getting sunburns.