What Happens If You Have Vitamin D Deficiency?

By: Rahul M | June 25, 2024

Vitamin defienceny can occur due to 2 reason, not getting enough sunlight and not consuming the right diet. Here the the consequences of having vitamin deficiency.

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Multiple studies have shown that people who have vitamin D deficiency tend to get tired easily. They feel fatigue even if they have not performed any activities that would make them so tired.

Vitamin D deficiency affects immunity. If you are deficient, you may fall sick or ill frequently.

People with vitamin D deficiency are also at high risk of slipping into depression.

Loss of muscle strength due to vit D deficiency can lead to frequent back pain.

Vitamin helps in regeneration of hair. Hence, if you are deficient you may have hair loss and slow growth of new hair.

Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium. Hence, it is essential for healthy gums and teeth. Deficiency can lead to toothache and tooth decay.