Summer Solstice 2024: 7 Facts About Longest Day Of The Year

By: Amisha Shirgave | June 21, 2024

Summer Solstice occurs on June 21 and marks the longest day of the northern hemisphere.

All images from Canva

Due to the Earth's axial tilt of roughly 23.5, the summer solstice occurs. When the sun is at the tropic of cancer, 23.5 degrees North, the North Pole is directly inclined toward the Sun during the solstice.

In order to line their monuments with the solstices, several ancient nations built them. Stonehenge in England and the pyramids in Egypt are aligned with sunrise on solstice.

Although It is the longest day of the year of the year in the northern hemisphere, it is the shortest day of the year on June 20 in the southern hemisphere. Because of its tilt, Earth experiences seasons, causing varying amounts of light from the sun to fall on different regions of the planet throughout the year.

It is a common misconception that Solar Solstice being the longest day of the year is also the hottest day of the year, it is not!

Interestingly, Summer Solstice was the day when Adiyogi, the first yogi communicated with his disciples. Considering the history, the UN marked International Yoga Day on the same day as summer solstice.

Summer Solstice is the day when there is constant daylight for 24 hours at the arctic circle and this phenomenon is known as the 'Midnight Sun'