Snaan Yatra 2024: 5 Things Every Devotee Of Lord Jagannath Must Know About This Holy Occasion

By: Rahul M | June 23, 2024

Snana yatra is a ritual carried out eighteen days before the very popular Ratha yatra of Lord Jagannath.


On this auspicious day, a ceremonial bath is performed on the idols of Lord Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra.

The Jagannath Asthakam is one of the bhajans which devotees widely sing during the period between the two events.

Swipe to know five important things about Snana yatra in Jagannath Puri, Odisha.

(1) Every devotee must be aware that Snana yatra takes on the full moon day of the Hindu month 'Jyestha.' In 2024, the holy bathing happened on Saturday, June 22.

(2) There is a specific number of pots used to perform the bathing ritual on each of the three deities.

Notably, 35 pots of water are poured on Lord Jagannath. 33 and 22 water-filled pots are respectively showered on Baladeva and Subhadra.

(3) The ritual involves a special bhog which is offered to the gods. It is then served as mahaprasad to devotees gathered to witness the ritual. An aarti is also performed.

(4) 18 days after this event, Rath yatra is performed, which falls on the second day of Ashada month's Shukla Paksha.

(5) The Skanda Purana mentions how the snana yatra ritual came into being and suggests it was initiated by King Indradyumna, the grandson of Bharata.

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