Budget 2024: Plastic To Get Costlier, Ways To Include Eco-Friendly Products In Your Lifestyle

By: Amisha Shirgave | July 23, 2024

Incorporating eco-friendly products into your lifestyle is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and promote sustainability. Here are some ways to do so

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Start by the smallest change you can bring to your routine. Such as the plastic brush you use every morning. Switch to a bamboo brush. Aprt from its health benefits, you will also be promoting eco-friendly products and reducing plastic use.

Instead of storing plastic bowls for outings and unexpected parties, you can switch to eco-friendly products made from plant waste or reused plant products.

Do not carry a plastic bag to buy groceries or refuse a take a plastic bag from your vendor. Carry your own cloth or jute bag while going shopping.

Try reducing use of plastic products such as buckets and dustbins. Switch to recycled products, metal products and eco-friendly products.

Switch to green products especially when it comes to personal hygiene. Use a comb made of bamboo and recycled paper instead of plastic.

Avoid using large plastic carry bags to dispose off waste. Instead, try building a compost bin in your surrounding and get multiple benefits from it.

Plastic bottles are the largest waste produced across the globe. What little you can do is switch to glass or steel bottles for everyday use. Carry the same eco-friendly bottles even for your outings.