7 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss And Fat Burn

By: Rahul M | July 18, 2024

Surya Namaskar does not only promote overall health but also weight loss. It consists of several asanas that promote strength and tone muscles

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Boat Pose focuses on the core muscles, improving metabolism and burning fat in the abdominal area, further reducing weight

The Plank Pose is ideal for people who want to gain abs and a flat tummy and promote weight management

Warrior II targets your core muscles, enhancing strength, better stamina, and toning the legs

Next on the list is Bridge Pose. It focuses on the lower body parts, like the hips, glutes, and thighs, while promoting better digestion and boosting metabolism

The Twisted Triangle Pose is a whole-body workout that improves digestion and strengthens your legs and core while reducing weight

Lastly, the Chair Pose is one of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss as it works on the lower body, toning muscles, and improving strength

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