7 Sulphur Rich Foods For Your Body

By: Rahul M | July 01, 2024

Eggs are commonly known for their rich protein content but they are also high in Sulphur which is mostly found in egg whites.

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Flax seeds are high in Sulphur and omega-3 that helps in proper functioning or liver and brain.

Dry beans, soy beans and lentils are good source of Sulphur. They help in maintaining a healthy skin.

Walnuts are also a good source of Sulphur. They aid in reducing cholesterol levels, prevent diabetes and improve metabolism.

Crab, lobsters and other such seafoods are rich in Sulphur. Consuming seafood can give you high amount of Sulphur in your body.

Dairy products contains significant amount of Sulphur. It helps in developing connective tissues and joints.

Cruciferous vegetables such a cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are packed with Sulphur. They prevent certain types in cancer in your body.