7 Side Effects Of Consuming Chia Seeds Everyday

By: Rahul M | August 29, 2024

Chia seed water is one of the healthiest drinks, but despite having its numerous health benefits, there are several side effects as well. While its fibre content aids digestion, too much fibre can cause indigestion

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It is essential to consume it in moderation since it contains fats and calories, which can promote weight gain

The seeds also absorb water from the body, so it is essential to be cautious before consuming too much. Additionally, it is also necessary to stay hydrated to prevent water loss from the body. 

Drinking chia seed water every day may hamper medicine's effectiveness. It is crucial to consult a doctor before adding it to your diet

It may also lower blood sugar levels to a greater extent in the body after consuming it in plenty, so consult an expert before taking a risk

After being soaked in water, it can be difficult to swallow, which can lead to suffocation risk in young children and adults struggling with swallowing problems

While being great for health, consuming chia seeds in moderation to avail its benefits, since excessive consumption may cause health issues 

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