7 Easy Ways To Incorporate Physical Activity In Your Daily Routine

By: Rahul M | September 17, 2024

While exercising daily can be a challenging task in the busy work days, taking a simple walk instead of driving to nearby locations can be an effective way to incorporate physical activity

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Skip the elevator or escalator and take stairs to improve cardiovascular health and leg strength

Turn your TV time into active time by doing simple exercises such as lunges, squats, or stretching while watching television

For those with desk jobs, incorporate light exercises such as seated leg lifts, desk push-ups or shoulder shrugs. Additionally, take a two-minute small break and go for a walk in between work

Housework like vacuuming, gardening or washing the car can turn into a workout if done enthusiastically with upbeat music

Instead of sitting while talking on call, take a walk and roam around or do stretching exercises

Lastly, make plans with your friends or family to engage in physical activities like playing sports, swimming or hiking once in a while

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