World Suicide Prevention Day 2023: 7 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Never Lose Hope & Embrace Life

By: FPJ Web Desk | September 12, 2023

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on the 10th of September every year. It aims to raise public awareness of the steps that can be taken to stop the suicides that are surging around the world. The theme of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is 'Creating Hope Through Action'. Here are 7 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Never Lose Hope & Embrace Life

Even the darkest night will end and the SUN WILL RISE (Quote by Victor Hugo): Always remember whatever hardships you are facing today, is just the phase which doesn't define your life. There is more to your life and better days are ahead; so never ever lose HOPE.

Never let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey: Obstacles are bound to come in your life path but never these hurdles undermine your determination to do something and give up your life.


Sometimes the best thing you can do is not thinking, not wondering, not imagining, not obsessing and just breathing. Have FAITH that everything will work out for the best.


When things are tough, you must be tougher. Show them that your life can be better. Prove them wrong.


You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light. You were given this life. (Quote written by Madeline L’Engle). You were STRONG enough to LIVE it.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. The moment you are ready to quit, is usually the moment, right before a miracle happens. DON'T GIVE UP.


To anyone out there who is hurting; it’s not a sign of weakness to ASK FOR HELP. It is a sign of strength. (Quote by Barack Obama)

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