Lord Ganesha's Broken Tusk: Know The Story Behind It

By: Amisha Shirgave | September 02, 2024

The legend says that Sage Vyasa wanted to dictate the great Mahabharata, which was a work of 100,00 versus and was looking for someone who could write it down without interruption. Lord Ganesha agreed to write it for him

All images from Canva

Ganesha agreed to write only if Vyasa recited the verses continuously, while Vyasa required Ganesha to understand each verse before writing

During the dictation, Ganesha's quill broke, but he broke off his own tusk to continue writing without pause

Ganesha's broken tusk symbolises the sacrifice made in the pursuit of knowledge

The story also emphasises intellect over physical strength and the importance of perseverance

The broken tusk reminds us that imperfection and hardships can lead to greatness

Another version says Ganesha lost his tusk in a battle with Parashurama, out of respect for his father's gift to Parashurama