8 Self-Harming Habits That You Should Immediately Give Up

By: FPJ Web Desk | August 25, 2023

Living in the past: If you keep on regretting the wrong things you did in the past or bad situations that you experienced; you will not be able to achieve anything in your life as your mind will be occupied with those restrictive thoughts making you feel miserable

Giving up too soon: You will always feel that you aren't able to achieve anything in life if you give up too soon. You need to remember success requires patience and hard work

Trusting easily: This is a self-damaging habit that may cause you immense mental stress because not all people are trustworthy and therefore, placing your trust in them may disappoint you

Opening up too much: If you keep on giving too many details about your personal life to everyone; it is a self-harming habit that you immediately need to stop. People may take undue advantage of the information provided by you to use it against you

Trying to please everyone: You aren't born to impress everyone, so avoid doing it. People will never be satisfied with no matter how much you do for them and will always have something to say against you. So, relax and just do your work

Over-expectations: Expect only from yourself and no one else. Over-expectation will always disappoint you. When you don't expect anything from anyone, (though little expectation from people who love you is definitely, okay) you empower yourself. Also, don't over-expect from yourself; it will lead to unnecessary stress

Not changing yourself: Change is the law of nature and one who don't change has to suffer or stay aloof. So, keep on upgrading yourself- your thoughts and your skills with the evolving world

Being afraid to be different: Do you know what is the best thing in the world? It's 'You' because no one is like you. You are the only one in the world and so are your mannerisms, looks, personality, attitude and behaviour. So, embrace your uniqueness and be proud of that

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