6 Deadly Predictions In The History That Came True, Including The Sinking Of The Titanic

By: FPJ Web Desk | July 04, 2023

The First World War: Police financier Jan Gotlib Bloch wrote 6 books in 1898 which mentioned about warfare with weaponry and millions of people's death. He wrote the war will bring famine and epidemics. Sixteen years later First World War was declared

The Second World War: Three children for the Portuguese city of Fatima declared that they saw an apparition of mother Mary, who told then there will be a sight in the night before the WW2. On January 25, 1938, an immense aurora appeared in the sky in Europe. Six weeks later the WW2 started

The attacks of 9/11 in America: A widow of a victim of 9/11 wrote in her book that many victims had premonitions on the subject of that day. Her husband had vertigo the morning of the attacks while on his way to work. And well before the day of the attack, he spoke about the possibility of an attack on the World Trade Center towers, and ways to evacuate them

The sinking of the Titanic Morgan Robertson's novella The Wreck of The Titan in 1898, tells the story of the sinking of a cruise ship. His description and lack of resources available on the ship strangely resembled the events that took place during the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912. The Titanic didn't exist when the book was published

First nuclear attack Author H.G. Wells in his book The World Set Free in 1913 wrote the use of the atomic bomb. Wells was the first to envision the chain reaction that could be produced by nuclear fission. The attacks in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, 32 years later, confirmed his idea

An electric submarine In 1870, Jules Verne imagined a submarine fueled by electric energy. In his book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Captain Nemo was running the Nautilus, a submarine running on electric engine. 90 years later, America had USS Nautilus using only nuclear energy

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