5 Signs That You Are In Love With Someone

By: Amisha Shirgave | September 18, 2024

It can sometimes be unclear to you whether you have feelings for someone or not. You might mistake those feelings are a genuine concern for someone

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It would be easier for you to take things ahead and be with that person if you know what you feel for them. Here are signs that you have feelings for that someone

You find yourself thinking about the person all the time, whether you're together or apart. You just cannot stop having their thoughts

You feel a strong desire to make them happy, sometimes even putting their needs ahead of your own. Their joy becomes important to you

You feel safe and comfortable sharing your deepest thoughts, feelings, and insecurities with them, and you trust them with your vulnerabilities

You truly will feel your stomach fluteering around them. Seeing them or spending time with them brings a rush of excitement

Beyond physical attraction, you feel deeply connected to them emotionally. You enjoy intimate conversations and cherish the emotional bond you share