5 Easy Steps To Start Your Meditation Journey As A Beginner

By: Amisha Shirgave | September 25, 2024

Starting your meditation journey can be both exciting and challenging

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You might not have any idea about how to start the process. You might just sit and close your eyes wondering what the next step is. Here are 5 simple steps to help you begin

Set an intention to your meditation process. Understand why you wish to meditate. whether it's to reduce stress, improve focus, or increase self-awareness

Make sure you create a quiet and calm space for meditation. A calm, distraction-free environment helps you focus better

As a begginnner, start small. You do not have to meditate for 30 minutes on your first day. Even a good 5 minutes can be a start. But those 5 minutes requires you to be focused on your breathing and relaxing your mind

Breath work is important as a begginer. The best way to start is to focus on how to breathe and you will be able to understand your body a little more

Meditation might not give you results right away. It is only because you are new to it. Be patient and consistent in the process. Use meditative music if you wish to so that it helps you relax your mind and body

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