Soil Preparation And Composting: Easy Tips To Prep Your Home Garden

In our previous article, we uncovered the remarkable impact of gardening on our lives and the environment

Sujal Chawathe Updated: Saturday, November 04, 2023, 01:52 PM IST

Welcome back, fellow gardening enthusiasts! In our previous article, we uncovered the remarkable impact of gardening on our lives and the environment. Today, we’re embarking on a vital chapter in the art of gardening – the bedrock of success: soil preparation and composting.

Soil - Your garden’s lifeline
Your garden’s prosperity hinges on the soil it rests upon. Optimal potting soil should be a treasure trove of nutrients for plant growth and development. 

Creating an ideal potting mix involves blending two parts garden soil, one part sand, one part peat moss or equivalent, and other tailored fertilizers. Keep in mind that this formula is versatile and subject to variation, depending on the plant species you wish to cultivate and your specific environmental conditions, such as sunlight exposure, shade levels, and humidity. Subsequent articles will delve into precise soil requirements for different plant varieties.

Composting is indeed a fascinating natural process that can help reduce waste, enrich soil, and promote sustainable gardening practices. To get started, here’s a detailed overview of how to compost, the composting process, what to use, what not to use, and how to avoid foul smells:
What to use for composting
Green Materials: Kitchen scraps (vegetable and fruit peels, coffee grounds, eggshells), grass clippings, garden waste (weeds, spent plants).
Brown Materials: Dry leaves, straw, cardboard, newspaper (shredded), sawdust (in moderation), and small branches or twigs.
Other Additions: You can also add tea bags, coffee filters, and some small amounts of wood ash from a fireplace or barbecue.

What not to use for composting:  
Meat and Dairy Products: Avoid adding meat, bones, dairy, and fatty foods as they can attract pests and create unpleasant odours.
Pet Waste: Pet waste can contain harmful pathogens, so it’s not recommended for composting.

Chemically Treated Materials: Do not compost materials treated with chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides.

Layer the Materials: Start with a layer of brown materials as the base, followed by a layer of green materials. Continue alternating layers, making sure to chop or shred larger materials.

Aerate the Pile: Turn or mix the compost regularly to introduce oxygen, which speeds up decomposition. This can be done with a pitchfork or a specialized compost turning tool.

Maintain moisture: Your compost pile should be as damp as a wrung-out sponge. Water it regularly, especially during dry spells, but avoid making it too soggy, as excess water can lead to bad odours.

Avoid Foul Smells: To prevent unpleasant odours in your compost pile, follow these tips:  

Proper Layering: Ensure a good balance of green and brown materials.
Adequate Aeration: Turn the compost pile regularly to provide oxygen.

Correct Moisture Level: Maintain the right moisture level, similar to a damp sponge.

Cover It: Use a lid or cover the pile with a tarp to keep pests away and reduce odors.

Monitor the Temperature: Composting generates heat, and the centre of your pile should become quite warm. This is a sign that the compost is breaking down. If it’s too hot, it might kill beneficial microbes, so keep an eye on the temperature.

Be Patient: Composting can take a few months to a year, depending on various factors, including the size of your pile and the materials used. When your compost is dark, crumbly, and has an earthy smell, it’s ready to use.

Composting is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to reduce waste, improve your garden soil, and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.


As we journey deeper into the realm of green wonders, always remember that a thriving garden springs from the cradle of healthy soil and eco-conscious practices. In our next edition, we’ll explore the pleasure of selecting the perfect plants for your garden space and share invaluable tips for prosperous planting. Happy gardening, one and all!

(Sujal Chawathe is a CA by education but a gardener at heart. Her venture Indoor Greens helps urban offices and homes, add and maintain plants)

Published on: Saturday, October 28, 2023, 07:00 AM IST