Chalcedony: Symbol of tranquillity and expression

Chalcedony is known for its calming energy, apart from promoting positivity and assisting communication

FPJ Features Desk Updated: Friday, December 15, 2023, 08:10 PM IST
Pic: Geology Science

Pic: Geology Science

Chalcedony includes minerals like agate, onyx, jasper, and heliotrope. Chalcedony has a waxy lustre and is usually translucent to opaque.

Key characteristics of Chalcedony include its hardness (around 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale), conchoidal fracture, and a variety of colours. Chalcedony can be found in various colours, including white, grey, blue, lavender, pink, brown, green, and black. The colouration is often due to the presence of trace elements or inclusions.

There are several varieties of Chalcedony, including:

Agate: Banded Chalcedony with different colours in layers.

Carnelian: A reddish-brown variety of Chalcedony.

Onyx: Typically black and white banded Chalcedony

Jasper: Opaque, often patterned or coloured by impurities.


Like other stones and crystals, Chalcedony also has several healing benefits. Some of these are:

Calming energy: Chalcedony is said to have a calming and soothing energy. It promotes peace and tranquility, making it beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. It also improves emotional equilibrium and stability, helping individuals to maintain a sense of well-being.

Communication: If you have trouble expressing yourself clearly, Chalcedony can assist in improving your communication skills and understandings in relationships.

Promoting positivity: People often plagued with negative thoughts should consider this gemstone as it infuses wearers with optimism and positivity.

Chalcedony and other crystals

When it comes to pairing Chalcedony with other crystals and gemstones, you might consider combinations that complement its properties or enhance specific aspects you're interested in.

Here are some popular crystals and gemstones that gel well with Chalcedony:

Rose Quartz: Known as the stone of love, Rose Quartz can complement the calming and soothing energies of Chalcedony. This combination is often used to enhance feelings of love, compassion, and emotional healing.

Amethyst: If you’re looking to enhance spiritual growth and meditation, pairing Chalcedony with amethyst can be beneficial. Amethyst is associated with spiritual awareness and higher consciousness.

Citrine: Citrine is known for its positive and uplifting energy. Combining Chalcedony with Citrine can create a harmonious blend of calming and optimistic energies, promoting a positive outlook.

Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is often referred to as a ‘master healer’ and can amplify the energies of other crystals. Wearing it with Chalcedony can enhance the overall healing and balancing properties.

Moonstone: Moonstone is associated with intuition and feminine energies. Pairing the two can create a balanced combination that supports emotional well-being and intuition.

Amazonite: Known for its soothing properties, Amazonite can complement the calming effects of Chalcedony. This combination is often used to promote balance and harmony.


There are various ways to cleanse Chalcedony. Wearers can choose whichever works best for them.

Visualisation and intention: Hold the Chalcedony in your hands and focus on your intention to cleanse and purify it. Visualise a bright light surrounding the crystal, removing any negative or stagnant energy.

Water: Rinse Chalcedony under running water (preferably natural, such as a stream or river). You can also use lukewarm tap water in a pinch. Visualise the impurities being washed away as the water flows over the stone.

Moonlight or sunlight: Place Chalcedony in a spot where it can absorb the energy of the Moon or Sun. Leave it overnight during a full Moon or for several hours in direct sunlight. However, at times, prolonged exposure to sunlight may fade certain types of chalcedony.

Smudging: Pass Chalcedony through the smoke of a cleansing herb such as sage, cedar, or palo santo. Visualise the smoke purifying and cleansing the crystal.

Published on: Friday, December 15, 2023, 11:59 PM IST