National Moon Day 2022: Here are some interesting facts about Moon you should know

American President Richard Nixon who declared July 20 as Moon day in 1971 to honour the anniversary of man's first moon landing.

FPJ Web Desk Updated: Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 04:00 PM IST
National Moon Day 2022: Here are some interesting facts about Moon you should know | AFP

National Moon Day 2022: Here are some interesting facts about Moon you should know | AFP

The United States of America celebrates National Moon Day on July 20 every year comemorating the success of their mission Apollo 11. Exactly, nearly five decades ago, Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin became the first humans to land on the moon.

It was American President Richard Nixon who declared July 20 as Moon day in 1971 to honour the anniversary of man's first moon landing.

Although not an official holiday across the country, though it's widely celebrated, especially, by the space enthusiasts. The festivities entail discussing the 1969 moon landing, documentaries and books around the event or look at heavenly bodies.

This National Moon Day, here are some of the lesser known facts about the moon.

Lesser known facts about moon

Every year, the moon drift away from earth by approximately 3.8 cm. It is estimated that it will continue moving farther for 50 billion years.

Moon, which is a natural satellite of earth, is fifth larget in the solar system. Reportedly, moon is smaller than major moons of Jupiter and Saturn; its diameter is 3,475 km.

Reportedly, moon has an atmosphere tenuous to be likened with vaccum. The moon is thus not immune from cosmic rays, solar winds and has huge temperature variations. Liquid water cannot persist on Moon.

The moon is permanently enveloped in moon dust which is generated by small particles from comets.

We always see the same face of moon from earth because of its synchronous rotation with the planet.

According to a report, in '50s, the USA planned to detonate the moon with a nuclear bomb. The secret project was planned during the cold war and would've been a show of strength at a time they lagged behind in aeronautics.

Lastly, only 12 people in the history of mankind have walked on the moon. The first being Neil Armstrong and the last being Gene Cernan in 1972. Interestingly, all 12 persons were from the USA.

Published on: Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 07:00 PM IST