EXCLUSIVE: Director Vinay Waikul Reveals Why The Broken News Franchise Is Based On Political Scams Like Pegasus

Director reveals how he wanted his characters to be real

Rohit Bhatnagar Updated: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 09:37 PM IST
Vinay Waikul |

Vinay Waikul |

Filmmaker Vinay Waikul, in an exclusive interview with The Free Press Journal, reveals how real-life news personalities inspired his latest franchise, The Broken News, that is based on the backdrop of political turmoil and conspiracies.

When asked about how he got authenticity to his narrative based on what happens inside a newsroom, he shares, “It wasn’t a conscious decision to be authentic to the newsroom culture or the characters driving it in the show. It was a natural expansion of what we think about it. Although it was very difficult for us to create something like this. Including me and the entire team want it to be entertaining also rather than frivolous. There’s a reason why these characters are like that. I feel, once you have the intention of characters right, then it organically becomes very relatable. Characters might be dishonest but the audience should not feel dishonest about them.”

Sharing further Vinay tells that he was inspired by real life news personalities to create the franchise. “I would be lying if I say I didn’t get inspire. I can’t say a particular name. I amalgamated a lot of real people together who are talked about or written about. Our idea wasn’t to point fingers at anyone. We understand the reality of news, media and especially politics. We were very responsible while making a show like this,” he states.

The Broken News franchise is largely based at the backdrop of political turmoils and conspiracies. Sharing further, Vinay explains, “Season one was based on the real incident but season two had no such thing. We developed a fictional story for the second season. The first season is political in nature and that’s what excited me to develop a show like this. Its how it was so that was the starting point. I felt, we need to talk about it since there were not many shows around it.”

Mostly, the sequels are forced and look like a safe bet. On a concluding not, Vinay rubbishes that and believes that he took the pressure in a positive way. “I agree that most of the times, sequels are not really up to the mark as the first one but as I said earlier, the second season had our own story so we were pretty excited and confident too. I was even prepared if people would have turned down the second season since it doesn’t have any real life story,” he signs off.

Published on: Friday, May 17, 2024, 08:00 AM IST