Guiding Light: The power of tapasya (Tapo Divyam)

The mind, body and spirit of a spiritual seeker need to adopt suitable practices, make sacrifices, rid itself of what’s unnecessary and move towards upgradation in one’s spiritual journey

Grand Master Akshar Updated: Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 05:52 PM IST
Photo: Pixabay

Photo: Pixabay

The mind, body and spirit of a spiritual seeker need to adopt suitable practices, make sacrifices, rid itself of what’s unnecessary and move towards upgradation in one’s spiritual journey. With an understanding of suitable practices, Himalaya says, one allows for the spiritual doors to fling open and embrace the extraordinary. An enquiry, questions and then their answers — this is a process to bring clarity to your thoughts and actions.

In the Mahabharata, Lord Sri Krishna tells his friend and disciple Arjuna “Tapo Divyam” — Oh, the extraordinary, do your austerities. That’s the only way one can expect clarity of action in their journey of spirituality. Wayward actions because of free will may keep one’s happiness intact but perhaps not lead to their growth or upgradation.

Just like every single diamond has its own value, with each one being unique. Same way, in our journey of spirituality, we need to practice asanas, pranayama, mudras, meditations, sadhanas, austerities at our individual level. To upgrade ourselves, our acts of austerities and tapasya are done under the guidance of a spiritual master at a level, which sculpts and shapes you into a unique diamond.

These, again, may not be difficult but isn’t so simple at the same time. It requires more than your mere presence in front of your Master. It requires your dedication — complete surrender with your body, mind and spirit. Your actions and desires together with your karma will then propel you closer to your destination, towards carving you into a new you.

Regular, routine practices and a strong foundation of clarity in our thoughts and actions are required. Just like you nurture a sapling into a plant and a plant into a shade-providing or fruit yielding tree, our goal should be to become that energy that can sift the bad from the good — focus only on the good, to better themselves each day. A step of pause to ask, enquire, then perform those actions with full sincerity and surrender will allow one to first empty, then fill and finally seal their container for their desired goal.

(The author is a spiritual yogic master. Founder, chairman and course director of Akshar Yoga, and president of the World Yoga Organisation)

Published on: Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 07:00 AM IST