Guiding Light By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What Do You Own?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Updated: Sunday, May 26, 2024, 10:45 PM IST
Representative Image | Mike Lacoste/Pixabay

Representative Image | Mike Lacoste/Pixabay

Man has a tendency to own things. When he owns something small, his mind stays small; his life gets stifled and his whole consciousness is immersed in his house, car, spouse, children and other such material things. A recluse leaves his home and goes far away. There also he starts owning his asana, rosary, books, concepts and his knowledge.

Owning has simply shifted from objects and people to ideas and practises. But a wise one knows that he owns the sun, the moon, the stars, the air, all of space, the entire humanity and the Divine in its entirety. When you own something big, then your consciousness also expands, and when you own something small then small negative emotions start coming up, such as anger and greed.

I wonder why people do not feel connected to the Sun! The very existence of life depends upon the Sun. Perhaps it is lack of awareness that causes people to refuse to acknowledge and own their connectedness to the macrocosmic universe. The rishis in ancient India, the Native Americans and the Aboriginals from all over the globe have known that you can feel connected to the Sun, the moon and the directions.

When you own something magnificent your consciousness also becomes magnificent.

First of all, connect with yourself. When you go deep in yourself and let go of all the anxiety and know that you are loved by the universe, you get inner strength. The universe loves you, the space loves you, the sun and moon love you. So you are surrounded by thay energy of love and knowing this you'll simply melt in meditation and that is what gives the inner strength, making you so solid, childlike again, freeing you from inhibitions, worries and natural.

With love, you can win over everyone and every situation. There is nothing in this world and in your life that you cannot win or overcome with love.

The key to happy relationships depends on how we handle our own mind. This is why we all must continue with our daily spiritual practices. We must learn how to calm our mind and relax for a few minutes every day. If each one of us can broaden our vision just a little bit, we can bring a great transformation in our lives and that of others. We will become happy and also bring happiness to the lives of others around us because we are all connected. We are all one!

Published on: Monday, May 27, 2024, 06:00 AM IST