Guiding Light By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: How To Effectively Handle Office Politics

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Updated: Sunday, July 14, 2024, 04:52 PM IST
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Representative Image | Pixabay

Wherever there are people, there will be politics. Why don’t we accept this fact; be skilful and move through it all? That is the power of wisdom, knowledge and meditation. It helps you keep your head above water in all situations.

Dealing with people and emotions is like surfing in the ocean. Waves come one after another but the surfer knows how to manoeuvre. Wherever there are people, there is a mind and the mind plays its games. Politics involves likes, dislikes, favouritism, and different perceptions or strongly held opinions fighting for supremacy. Often, we tend to blame the other or label them. And when there is too much politics, there is a tendency to run away from it.

When you get troubled by others, see them as if they were rag dolls, instead of getting sucked into these matters. It is difficult but not impossible to do this. Not only do we become miserable, but we also make others miserable and then the chain of misery ensues. You will find people who just don’t learn. That is their nature. You cannot change people but only wait for the time to change them. So, just accept them. Don’t try to improve them. At least you be at peace and save your mind at all costs.

There is a big skill to manage your consciousness, and mind in such situations. Think of them as individuals in need of help. Otherwise, anyone can try and spoil your celebrative spirit and your beautiful consciousness. Don’t let them do that. In a race, you only look at your track and do your best. You don’t look left or right. If you keep looking left and right, who is going where you lose your race. You must be focused; you must be intuitive. And for all these, meditation will be the biggest aid for you. Meditate regularly, twice a day, and you will see your intuition and innovative skills get better.

Most of the disasters we cause in our lives are due to our impulsiveness. We make decisions impulsively and then we regret them later. Remember, whatever is in you, you project it on others. Be skillful in the workplace; remain unattached and unaffected by all the so-called office ‘politics’. You can do this when you have the faith that only the best will happen to you, and nobody can take away what is due to you.

Published on: Monday, July 15, 2024, 06:00 AM IST