Aurangabad: Petrol Thieves Leave Petrol Tanks Empty in Bajaj Nagar (VIDEO)

Several workers working in various factories in the Waluj industrial area live in the Bajaj Nagar area. The families residing here are lower-middle and middle-class families.

Manish Gajbhiye Updated: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 02:50 PM IST
Aurangabad: Petrol Thieves Leave Petrol Tanks Empty in Bajaj Nagar (VIDEO)  | FPJ

Aurangabad: Petrol Thieves Leave Petrol Tanks Empty in Bajaj Nagar (VIDEO) | FPJ

The residents of Bajaj Nagar in the Waluj Industrial area are facing a severe menace of petrol thefts from their vehicles recently. The petrol thieves cut the petrol pipes of the two-wheeler vehicles and steal the petrol. Hence, the residents have demanded the police take stern action against these increased incidents of petrol thefts.

Several workers working in various factories in the Waluj industrial area live in the Bajaj Nagar area. The families residing here are lower-middle and middle-class families. These workers work in shifts in the factories. When they come home from the factory and are sleeping during the afternoon and even at night, the petrol thieves take advantage of this situation and steal petrol from their vehicles. The thieves not only steal petrol from the two-wheelers but also from the four-wheelers parked in front of their houses or in the compounds of the housing societies.

It has been noticed by the residents that there is a gang of such petrol thieves, and the gang members are more often active during the night. They not only steal petrol but cut the petrol pipes of the vehicles, causing the residents to incur huge financial losses.

Tanks empty in morning

When they have to go to the factories early in the morning, they find that the pipes are damaged and they often get late reaching their workplaces after repairing the vehicles. More often, they find the petrol tanks of the vehicles empty and have to drag their vehicles to the petrol pumps before going to the workplaces. Many workers living in Bajaj Nagar keep ample stock of petrol in their vehicles as they have to go to the factories during emergencies, but the next day they find that the tanks are empty.

The petrol theft incidents have become a frequent scenario in the Sara Gaurav Housing Society, Sara Vrundavan, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chowk, and other places. The residents on Thursday went to the Waluj MIDC police station and told the officers about their plight.

Residents speak up

Vehicle thefts are common in the Waluj industrial area, but now the thieves are stealing petrol from the vehicles. Like the gangs of vehicle thieves, the gangs of petrol thieves are emerging in the industrial area rapidly. Hence, stern measures should be taken to tackle the petrol theft menace, the residents demanded.

A resident, Ajay Borkar, said that the prices of petrol are increasing day by day. "The residents living in Bajaj Nagar are mostly salaried and have to manage their monthly expenses. They reserve a certain amount of money for the monthly petrol expenses. But due to the petrol thefts, their monthly budget is disrupted," he added.

Another resident, Sandeep Girhe, said, "Waluj industrial area has become a hub of criminal activities. Vehicle thefts and robbing the workers have become common here. Now, the thieves have devised a new way to earn easy money by stealing petrol. The police should increase patrolling in this area and see who are the people purchasing the petrol from these thieves."

Published on: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 02:50 PM IST