Not Our Story: Mumbai-Based NGO Chirag Steps Up To Change The Way We Look At Rural India

Pivoted on solar power, their projects enable rural transformation by empowering village communities across the country. With the looming UN SDG target of 2030 in our 83rd year of Independence, their work actively marches towards the fulfillment of the goals.

Press Release Updated: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 09:42 PM IST

Chirag Rural Development Foundation, a Mumbai based NGO has been working in villages across the country for 13 years now. With over 1.87 lakh registered NGOs and an almost equal number of unregistered bodies, Chirag is part of a much larger community that supports the needs of civil society. However, the core of its work makes Chirag significantly more relevant today, than ever before.

Pivoted on solar power, their projects enable rural transformation by empowering village communities across the country. With the looming UN SDG target of 2030 in our 83rd year of Independence, their work actively marches towards the fulfillment of the goals.

Amidst burgeoning urban development as our infrastructure catches up with industrial cities across the world, the slowly improving state of rural affairs is an image rarely seen. But the human narrative of the changing face of villages and their populace across our country is a beautiful story, captured by the Chirag film, Not Our Story, this Independence Day. Tear jerking for the great divide that still exists, and yet, utterly hopeful in its progress and telling.

Pratibha Pai, director of the Organization says, “The film raises important questions for urban civil society, so far removed from their rural counterparts. Do we consider the impact of forced migration on only our lives, but also the lives of our rural citizens? How should we bridge the gap, and ensure there is an equity of choice available, so our rural communities are able to thrive? How do we ensure that the rural woman becomes an enabler for this transformation instead of a victim of this circumstance?”

The story is changing. Maybe it is time we are all a part of it.

You can view the film on

About Chirag Rural Development Foundation

Chirag Rural Development Foundation, under its flagship Project Chirag, has been providing solar electrification in dark villages across 11 states since 2010.

What began as an endeavor to provide home lighting solutions for rural homes, now provides Integrated Village Development, where on the pivot of solar power, Project Chirag now engages in a 5 Point Rural Transformation, enabling clean and green energy to impact home and social security, education facilitation, health and sanitation and livelihood promotion.

Published on: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 09:16 PM IST