FPJ Exclusive: ISIS Operative Zoheb's Dual Life Of Extremism And Romance

According to sources, investigations have revealed that Zoheb, who is married and has three children, had four girlfriends.

Ashish Singh Updated: Monday, March 11, 2024, 03:36 AM IST
Mohammad Zoheb Khan |

Mohammad Zoheb Khan |

Mohammad Zoheb Khan, a key accused in the ISIS Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar terror module, was leading a dual life, investigations by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has revealed. While he pursued his radical ideology, he also had romantic relationships with several women who were tricked into believing he was a software professional. 

Zoheb had 4 girlfriends

According to sources, investigations have revealed that Zoheb, who is married and has three children, had four girlfriends. Investigations revealed chats that indicate that Zoheb met all the women online.

 Sources said that he spent lavishly on these romantic relationships, presenting himself as a software engineer in a senior position in a multinational company. Additionally, he radicalised all four of his girlfriends, encouraging them to migrate to Syria for Hijrah. Sources say he had met all his girlfriends and was planning to marry one of them and migrate to Afghanistan to join the ISIS Khorasan module.

 According to officials, during the investigation, it was revealed that Zoheb had taken the Bayath (oath of allegiance) of ISIS with his wife and three kids online. After the oath, called baith, he decided to migrate to Syria with his wife and three kids for Hijrah arose, but his wife declined to leave. She decided to leave him and moved out with their kids a year ago. Zoheb then decided to identify and marry one of his four girlfriends and move to Afghanistan, and from there to Syria.

ISIS Money trail

Additionally, the agency's investigation into the money trail revealed that an ISIS handler instructed Zoheb to maintain a very low profile and present himself as very poor. This tactic was intended to help the ISIS terror operation operate for a long time by asking for all basic needs and not showing that he had money, while arranging funds for ISIS terror operations.

The NIA's probe uncovered that Zoheb has two brothers. Mohammad Sharik Khan who resides in Doha, working as a civil engineer, while Mohammad Shoaib Khan, one of India's most-wanted terrorists, is believed to be in Libya, having joined ISIS. Zoheb maintained regular contact with Shoaib, who transferred funds for ISIS recruitment, terror planning, and procuring arms and ammunition. Similarly, his other brother, Sharik Khan, also made several fund transfers. Zoheb was entrusted with covertly managing ISIS funds for operations and recruitment. It was also revealed that some of these funds were diverted to support his romantic endeavors.   

Zoheb's involvement in radicalising and recruiting susceptible youth

Zoheb creating a sophisticated online web platform for ISIS radicalisation and recruiting program. Zoheb's involvement in radicalising and recruiting susceptible youth, especially through online platforms, has raised serious concerns. According to the NIA investigation, Zoheb, a key figure in the ISIS Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar terror module, played a pivotal role in providing technical support to the global terrorist organisation. Possessing a Bachelor's degree in computer science, Zoheb's expertise as a web designer was instrumental in creating a sophisticated online web platform for ISIS.

The NIA probe revealed Zoheb's  active involvement in radicalising and recruiting vulnerable youth, channeling them towards the ISIS recruitment page for further indoctrination. The webpage, meticulously designed by Zoheb, featured a chilling array of violent jihadist videos and propaganda materials, including Bayath, encouraging violent jihad and advocating migration to Syria.  

Zoheb's influence extended far beyond local recruitment, as he actively recruited and radicalised individuals through various social media platforms. His targets were often disillusioned youths, whom he manipulated by exploiting their grievances against the government, convincing them of a perceived government hostility towards their beliefs and values. The investigation unearthed that Zoheb had created more than 35 fake profiles, all using the same password, to connect with and recruit young individuals on social media. This tactic allowed him to reach a wider and further his agenda of radicalisation and recruitment for ISIS.  

Operating covertly, Zoheb shared the link to the webpage with these impressionable youths, providing them with a dangerous roadmap for radicalisation and incitement to wage war against their own nation. 

Sources say that during his custody NIA confronted Zoheb with the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) report on the devices seized from him. The report detailed Zoheb's involvement in designing a webpage actively used to indoctrinate vulnerable youth. Additionally, email, Telegram, and other social media chats between Zoheb and his handler abroad were also uncovered, shedding light on the extent of his communication and coordination with external elements in furthering ISIS's agenda.

Published on: Monday, March 11, 2024, 03:36 AM IST