Band performs on open-air truck on Mumbai-Pune expressway; pics go viral

FPJ Web Desk Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2022, 06:23 PM IST
Band performs on open-air truck on Mumbai-Pune expressway | Twitter/@RoadsOfMumbai

Band performs on open-air truck on Mumbai-Pune expressway | Twitter/@RoadsOfMumbai

Driving with your music blasting might make one feel on top of the world. However, many don’t realize that listening to loud music while driving can prove to be extremely dangerous.

Studies have shown that loud music can negatively impact a driver’s reaction time, thus hindering his ability to push the brakes on time or even failing to dodge an obstacle in the road.

Some people find it difficult to part from their favourite tunes while driving, which is why many four-wheelers are equipped with in-built stereos.

However, for a group of people on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway stereos were just not cutting it.

Pictures being circulated on social media show a live band performing in an open-air truck on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. As per a tweet by Twitter handle @RoadsOfMumbai, the group was moving towards Mumbai past Lonavla.

"When people peeping out of sunroof was not enough on Expressway, we now have a band performing in an open-air truck! @DGPMaharashtra they are moving towards Mumbai past Lonavala, incase you care," Twitter handle @RoadsOfMumbai tweeted, alerting the Maharashtra Police about the matter.

Netizens on Twitter also went ahead and shared their opinion on the matter. Although most were tongue-in-cheek.

"Goods Carrier has become a Public Carrier, it seems!" one user said. "You get so much entertainment along the journey," another user quipped.

Published on: Sunday, March 20, 2022, 03:24 PM IST