Spotless Giraffe Born At US Zoo To Be Only One In World; Check Pictures

The female giraffe is entirely brown, unlike the patch patterns of other giraffes.

FPJ Web Desk Updated: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 12:04 PM IST
Spotless Giraffe Born At US Zoo To Be Only One In World | Twitter

Spotless Giraffe Born At US Zoo To Be Only One In World | Twitter

Bright Zoo in Tennessee, US witnessed one of the rarest sights in the animal kingdom that is the birth of a unique spotless giraffe. The female giraffe is entirely brown, unlike the patch patterns of other giraffes.

The baby giraffe is six-feet tall now and is under the care of her mother as observed by the zoo authorities.

Spotless Giraffe Born At US Zoo |

"Giraffe experts believe she is the only solid-coloured reticulated giraffe living anywhere on the planet," Bright's Zoo said in a statement. The Post said the calf is the only one that is fully brown as opposed to fully white.

Reticulated giraffes were added to the list of endangered species in The International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List in 2018.

Spotless Giraffe Born At US Zoo |

"The international coverage of our patternless baby giraffe has created a much-needed spotlight on giraffe conservation. Wild populations are silently slipping into extinction, with 40% of the wild giraffe population lost in just the last three decades," Tony Bright, the founder of Brights Zoo, said in a press release.

The unique giraffe took birth on July 31 and the zoo has invited people for their suggestions to select a name for the calf from four options which include Kipekee (meaning 'Unique'), Firyali (denoting 'Unusual' or 'Extraordinary'), Shakiri (reflecting 'She is most beautiful'), and Jamella (representing 'One of great beauty').

Published on: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 11:58 AM IST