Men's Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Busting Myths & Ways To Break Stigma Surrounding Men's Emotional Well-Being

Men's Mental Health Awareness Week is observed to educate people about the misconceptions around men and their mental health. Here's all you need to know so that you go ahead and promote a healthy environment for everybody.

Amisha Shirgave Updated: Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 05:37 PM IST


June is observed as Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. It is quite unfortunate that Men have always been taught to be the torch bearer and the responsible one. That came at the cost of Men sacrificing their emotions, growing unexpressive and fighting the pressure all alone. The orthodox belief of 'Men Don't Cry' and 'Man Up' have led to serious mental illnesses in Men. Fearing the societal judgement of being 'Too Weak' for being vulnerable and talking about emotions have been the main cause of increase in mental health issues such as anxiety and depression in Men.

Why Men Don't and Can't Express?

Your ability to learn and do certain things are adapted from your childhood. If you are taught to eat a certain way, you will carry that learning for your life. Similarly, for Men, it all begins from when they are little. From the times when they were asked to stop crying because 'boys don't' cry' to times when a teenage boy realises the lack of conversation between him and his father because his father didn't believing in expressing his emotions.


Many such factors such as culture, fatherhood and socioeconomic levels can be the reason why Men get diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. This has also increased suicide rates according to multiple reports published globally. It is necessary to normalise Men being expressive and it is high time the world prioritises Men's mental health.

Signs That Indicate Male Mental Health Disorder

When Men go through issues related to mental health, their testosterone levels run low. This can be linked mood swings, anxiety and depression. Men mostly ignore these signs of depression that include loss of interest in any activity, loss of appetite, irritability and fatigue. Aggressive behaviour, escapist behavior that involves spending hours at work, Alcohol and drug abuse are amongst other signs of depression in Men. The earlier you observe them, the better chances for recovery ahead.

What Can You Do To Help Break The Stigma Around Men's Mental Health?

A few words of kindness can go a long way. It is important to let the Men around you know that being expressive is not a sign of weakness but a sign of purity and being human.

Redefine the idea of masculinity and create a safe and healthy environment around you. Let Men know that it is okay to feel what they feel and express their thoughts and emotions to a close one. If you see someone struggling with expression, you can help them by showing them stories of successful personalities who went through the same but how they learnt to express and created a healthy environment around them. For better mental health. To the Men who are struggling, let them know that they have non-judgmental and loving friends around. This might help them relax.

Conduct Mental Health Awareness campaigns across schools, colleges and work places to educate people about prioritising Men's Mental Health. By taking such small steps, you can save multiple lives that are lost due to mental health disorders.

Published on: Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 05:34 PM IST