Diabetes can't stop you from enjoying wedding food; here's how to make festivities healthier for you

Planning ahead and practising mindful eating practices will help you in being an active participant in the festivities and also, managing diabetes

FPJ Web Desk Updated: Thursday, February 23, 2023, 02:59 PM IST
Diabetes? Follow these 10 ways to make the wedding festivities' merrier and healthier for you |

Diabetes? Follow these 10 ways to make the wedding festivities' merrier and healthier for you |

Maintaining a healthy diet plan during the wedding and festive season is difficult because weddings have a rich display of sugar-rich sweets and snacks, leading to an indulgence. But, proper planning can help you to make healthier choices while enjoying the wedding and festive season with family and friends.

Finding healthy food choices to manage your diabetes can be a big challenge when options like samosas, tikkis, gulab jamun, and ladoos; are available though it isn't impossible to get something healthy to eat in wedding.

Planning ahead and practising mindful eating practices will help you in being an active participant in the festivities and also, managing diabetes.

Here are 10 diabetes-friendly ways that will help you to enjoy the wedding festivities while taking good care of your health:

Carry the medicines you need: along with your prescriptions and set alarms to take them.

Plan your day: Before heading to the event, eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fibre snack. Carry some guilt-free snacks to avoid extra oily and processed snacks for emergencies.

Drink a lot of water: Staying hydrated is usually associated with consuming less calories with sugar, cholesterol and salt.

Keep track of your blood sugar level: With wedding around the corner, it is necessary to monitor your sugar levels. Check your blood glucose levels before and after meals which will help you know that you need to stop eating sweets altogether or cut back on how much you eat for the next several weeks until your blood sugar levels are under control.

Eat diabetes-friendly foods: At the wedding, fill half your plate with salad or a non-starchy vegetable, and a quarter with grains and starches. Opt for baked, roasted, or stir-fried foods instead of anything fried. You can also choose healthy snacks options such as olives, nuts and fruits as they can help to prevent spike in blood sugar level. Pro tip: Avoid consumption of dips or sauces as it contains hidden calories, salt and sugar.

Move, move and move: Keeping yourself physically active, will burn more calories and help to keep blood sugar level low.

Avoid skipping meals: Skipping meals can affect blood sugar levels. Try to consume food at each meal time to maintain a healthy blood sugar.

Avoid bakery foods: Bakery foods can cause an increase in blood sugar level as they are very high in calories. Avoiding bakery food during the festive and wedding season will help to maintain weight and keep blood sugar level in check.

Avoid alcohol: Alcohol consists of more sugar and calories which can cause an increase in blood sugar level. Therefore, avoiding alcohol consumption can help to keep your blood sugar in control.

Take 7-8 hours of sleep: Maintain sleeping pattern will ensure that you get proper rest and also, it will help maintain blood sugar level.

While you follow these steps, also, make sure that you have good fun during this time.

Published on: Thursday, February 23, 2023, 03:00 PM IST