Copyright Law Day 2024: Know Date, Significance, Facts & More

Copyright refers to a person's legal rights to their intellectual property and gives them the exclusive right to use, distribute, exhibit, and replicate their creation.

Aditi Thakur Updated: Monday, January 01, 2024, 09:26 AM IST
Representative Image | Freepik

Representative Image | Freepik

Copyright Law Day 2024: Every artist must get credit for their artwork. Copyright is a present requirement as it aids in safeguarding the creator's creation and makes it easier for people to track the product back to its source. Copyright refers to a person's legal rights to their intellectual property and gives them the exclusive right to use, distribute, exhibit, and replicate their creation. Copyright did not always exist; it became crucial in the 4000s with the invention of the printing press. 

Copyright Law Day 2024: know the date

Globally, every year, January 1 is observed as Copyright Law Day. The special day is marked to honour the many benefits of copyright for all authors, publishers, and other creative workers. This year, the Copyright Law Day falls on a Monday.

Copyright Law Day 2024: know the significance 

Copyright Law Day is observed to recognise the importance of copyright law in assuring any individual's legal use of the invention. The day also encourages people to support and maintain copyright law by saying no to any infringement or violation. Copyright Law ensures that an artist's creative work is not copied or pirated by any. 

Copyright Law Day 2024: know a few facts

1) The Copyright Act of 1957 was Independent India's first copyright legislation. Until today, the law has been amended six times (recently in 2012)

2) The right to reproduce copyrighted work, exhibit your work to people and adapt and translate the work all come under Copyright law protection. 

3) Musical works, dramatic works, literary works, artistic works, sound recordings, and cinematography come under Indian copyright laws' protection. 

4) India is an important member of most significant international conventions, including the Universal Copyright Convention. These global organisations deal with all aspects of copyright regulations.

Published on: Sunday, December 31, 2023, 05:16 PM IST