BJP's Veteran Ladakh Leader Expelled After His Son Elopes with Buddhist Woman

The controversy unfolded when the 74-year-old BJP leader's son eloped with a Buddhist woman over a month ago, leading to their marriage.

FPJ Web Desk Updated: Friday, August 18, 2023, 09:34 AM IST
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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Ladakh took a decisive step by expelling a prominent figure, Nazir Ahmad, due to his son's elopement and subsequent marriage to a Buddhist woman. The 74-year-old Nazir Ahmad held the position of state vice president within the Ladakh BJP.

The controversy unfolded when Ahmad's son eloped with a Buddhist woman over a month ago, leading to their marriage. The incident prompted an internal investigation by the Ladakh BJP to assess Ahmad's involvement in the sensitive situation.

BJP's Standpoint

In an official statement, the Ladakh unit of the BJP clarified that the expulsion decision was reached following an executive meeting of the party. The party emphasized that elopement is deemed inappropriate within the Ladakh religious communities, as it threatens communal harmony and unity among the region's populace.

Read Full Statement Here:

The couple, who tied the knot more than a month ago, remains untraceable since their marriage. The BJP's action against Nazir Ahmad stems from his alleged lack of cooperation in locating his son and the woman.

Ahmad's Perspective

Nazir Ahmad, a longstanding supporter of the BJP, expressed his stance on the matter. He explained that both he and his family were against the marriage of his 39-year-old son, Manzoor Ahmad, to the Buddhist woman, who is 35 years old.

He revealed that their relationship had earlier undergone a nikah ceremony in 2011 and the court marriage took place while he was away on a Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

Ahmad stated that his family did not approve of the union and also informed about their efforts to trace his son. He clarified that he had been asked to resign by the party before his expulsion due to his inability to locate his son.

Despite the blame laid upon him by the party, Ahmad expressed confusion over their allegations. He stated that he had made extensive efforts to find his son, visiting various places including Srinagar in search of him.

Published on: Friday, August 18, 2023, 09:34 AM IST